Practical solution to solve in the righ way Ukraine problems and in the same time help Ukranians citizens to improve their live standards ,bring to the country billions euros and create millions jobs For such purpose in paralel with security and diplomatic ways to solve the conflit,Ukraine must be helped to start building an economy based in his major part in investments which do not consumme Russia energy For this purpose Ukraine needs to be helped to attract investors ,tourists ,know how transfer events partecipants
Unfortunatly due to the conflit situation and the fact that the country economy is higher dependent on Russia energy Ukraine can not attract investors
Given that without investors,apart of problems the country will have, millions of some others which will affect in direct mode European Union economy and his citizens ,will appear day by day ,
as an economic and digital science researcher in order to bring a positive contribution which can help solving the conflit without affecting Russia economic interests
i had decided to inform Europe Union about the fact that Ukraine must be helped to attract investors bring billions euros to the country economy create millions jobs help citizens to improve their live standards etc
Given that Poland ,Spain ,Portugal and UK will have election in 2015 and USA in 2016 as an economic researcher i had created a project based in the following aspects
1) In the first stept we will attract investors tourists ,know how transfer events partecipants in Poland ,UK ,Spain ,Portugal , USA and and then we will bring a part of them to Ukraine to implement certain project which will bring them more than 25% in less than 25 weeks
2) During all this time we will create 5 data bases with Poland ,UK ,Spain ,Portugal , USA electors who can vote both in their native and residence country
3) After this we will establish a special communication with them Then we will recommend them to vote in the ""righ way"" in Poland ,UK ,Spain ,Portugal in 2015 and then to Mr Barack Obama political Party in 2016
Given that Poland ,UK ,Spain ,Portugal ,have big native citizens communities who can vote for USA elections ,this way we can help mr Barack Obama to get an historical victory because he can become the first USA president who had finished his two therms charges at White House and then help his political party to win for the 3th time consecutivly USA presidential elections
Given that the community of Poland ,UK ,Spain ,Portugal citizens who can vote in USA have more than 10 millions menbers and mr Barack Obama political Party will need just 3-4 hundreds thousands votes to make differences ,and we still have enough time to do differents things which have link with digital science which will help mr Barack Obama to achive such objectives ,we are 100% sure about the fact that we will help mr Barack Obama party to have such an historical victory and then we will organise in Ukraine know how transfer events about the way we had done things from A to Z
Until we will present informations about how those projects can help USA NATO EU to achieve strategics objectives we have to remember the fact that In order to solve Ukraine problem in paralel with security and diplomatic ways to solve the conflit Ukraine must be helped
1) To start building an economy based in his major part in investments which do not consumme Russia energy
2) To offer his citizens possibility to promote differents EU and Ukraine economic advantages and get at least 300 euro apart of their salaries
3) His diaspora to promote certain Ukraine economic advantages as ::Ukraine businesses oppportunities which will bring more than 25 % profit in less than 25 weeks "" and get more than 700 euro apart of their salary they are receiving in different EU countries
4) Ukraine students possibility to partecipate in the implementation of this project in Poland ,UK ,Spain ,Portugal get a certain know how they need in order to implement a similar project in their country and in the same time win money in 5 differents ways
5) Ukraine education Ministry to include a certain education programme which will teach Ukranians pupils ,since they will have 12-13 years old what they have to do to get money from USA ,Switzerland ,Norway ,Canada ,Australia ,Japan ,EU ,doing certain part time jobs but without having to travel or to live in those countries
Like this a kid since he will have 14 years he will know that he can get enough money though differents ways in Ukraine without having to travel to another country
6) Ukraine Universities to get a know how about what they can do to valorise their research projects get billions euro and create millions jobs
7) Ukranian local and regional authorities to implement a certain project which will have as a major scope to valorise their pupils and students creative potential ,talent ,skills ,and get money
1) Given that Romanian had opted to help Ukraine to defend the country from Cyber attacks ,and in Romania is living a big community of Moldova students ,Romania can implement a certain project which have link with digital science and by this ocassion do what is necessary a link as
""How EU can help you to valorise your creative potential and win money ""
can go viral from thousands computers to dozens millions Rusia speaking ones,in very short time
Given that by this occasion the entire content will be published in Rusia language ,this special part of the project will help USA NATO EU to achieve strategics goals
2) After this a similar project can be implemented in Poland ,UK ,Spain ,Portugal in a partenership with differents Universities from those countries By this ocassion apart of some other things which have link with digital science Ukranians students and menbers of Ukrainians communities who are living in those countries will do what is necessary in such a way in a very short time links which will be generated by this project can reach dozens millions of Russian speaking countries
1) Given that UK and USA had created new media account for all his worldwild embassies in the first stages in order to inform USA ,UK entrepreneurs about differents investment opportunities which will permit them to get more than 25 % profit in less than 25 weeks in Poland ,UK ,Spain ,Portugal,and USA we will publish in UK and USA embassies new media account informations about this project
2) Then we can select some companies and foundations from Poland ,UK ,Spain ,Portugal, which can implement certain parts of the project which can be financed with priority by Europe Union
3) Given that entrepreneurs from Poland ,UK ,Spain ,Portugal,USA will need to know about differents investments opportunities those project will create in all those 5 countries ,in order to inform them about what they will need to know we can create a special session in differents chamber of commerce and businesses organizations websites and publish at least 5 fresh important contents per week about those issues
4) Taking into consideration students from Poland ,UK ,Spain ,Portugal,USA
will need to know how they can valorise their creative potential ,talent ,skills and get money in 5 differents ways helping their University to implment special parts of this projects than we can make a partenership with differents Universities from those countries ,create such a session and start informing them Given that by this ocassion a large number of students will visit the University website ,the project will help the University to get certain economic objectives without having to invest any money
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
How to stop EU high rate corruption and useless money spending part 2
Majority of European Union Universities are abusing their students make them loose money and compromise their future and career Realities had demonstrated that millions victims of such abuses and bad practices in order to escape from such situation use to adventure in differents EU countries commite crimes and several other bad things which provoke panic and disconfort not just to EU citizens but also to investors and tourists
In this document we will present demontrate you how those very bad things are happenig committing crimes with EU authorities acomplicity ,and then we will present you a practical solution which will solve once forever those problems
Until then we have to tell you that
Majority EU Universities ,more than 97% of them have a useless and unpdated education programme with no link with what companies need to achieve their major priorities
Due to this negative aspects when students finish their studies nobody use to employee them and if they do so they pay them very low salaries because they do not know what they have to do to help companies to achieve their major scope
Victims of those EU Universities bad practices use to adventure in some other EU countries and commite crimes Despite the situation gravity instead Europe Union oblige those Universities to give students a proper education they use to alocate more money for students extra preparation
For this purpose differents EU countries had created a so called authority for higher education quality programme control Given that they had noticed that millions of students and their parents had been complained about those useless and unupdated education programmes than in order to determine students and their parents to continue paying money following such useless education programme they had recommended such authority to give high quality education programme certificate to those irresponsables and incompetents EU Universities
As a negative consequence of this in the moment students and their parents see that an EU University had got a high quality education programme certificate they pay money and start following such irresponsable and incompetent University education programme because, unfortunatly they beleave in such fake certificate
Given that education service is like any other and it must respect consummer protection lows .European Union students and their parents must unite and get back the money they had payed to those EU irresponsables and incompetents Universities at least since 2004
In paralel with such acction New Bruxelles admnistration must stop financing EU Universities and oblige them to
1) Valorise their research programme ,organise know how and transfer events short therm courses ,publish ebooks ,tools ,apps ,and get millions euro
For this purpose New Bruxelles admnistration must recommend his menbers states to elaborate a low which will oblige EU Univeersities to get a certain number of ebooks ,tools ,apps multimedia products download with 10 -15 euros per year but 50% of them must come from a non EU countries
By this ocassion EU Universities in order to have such a number of downloads they will be obliged to make their researh projects to become competitive
For this purpose they must identify major problems which are affectting peoples live countries economy and find viable solution to solve them
This way when they will organise a know how transfer event and a short therm course a large number of people will partecipate and them download ebooks ,tools ,apps multimedia products which will be published by this ocassion
For this purpose they will be obliged to valorise students creative potential talent skills etc
Like this students will get money in 5 differents mods helping their Universities to implement such projectsand this apart of solving millions problems which are affecting student this will give a very positive sign to strategics investors
2) Given that a so called autority for high quality education programme controle ,had been encourajng corruption incompetence in differents EU countries ,the New Bruxelles admnistration instead to keep financing it he must adopte new high quality parameters controle as the number of
a) Ebooks ,tools ,apps, multimedia products downloads
b) Know how transfer events partecipants from non European Union countries
d) The total number of Know how transfer events partecipants both from EU and non European Union countries
e) The amount of money students will get during a year doing certain part time jobs in order to help their University to implement such projects and achieve established goals
Like this students and their parents will see in a very transparent way which University is more competitive In the other hand Europe Union and EU menbers States Government will finance with priority just Universities which will have the best results
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
How to stop EU high rate corruption and useless money spending part 1
European Union had left all the ways oppen for corruption and useless money spending in such a way EU and differents EU Government money can arrive in the pocket of political friends companies and then to political parties though donation
Apart of this well known corruption and useless money spending several public EU INSTITUTION USE ANOTHER METHOD TO MAKE MONEY ARRIVE IN POLITICAL PARTIES POCKET
For this purpose they use to employee certain political parties friends pay them high salaries and then get back a part of those money as donation for their political party
As a negative consequence of this despite trillions EUROS which had been used as EU funds EUhave more than 27 millions unemployed people more than 70 millions of some others works and receive very low salaries Due to those very negative aspects more than 124 millions EU citizens are strugling in poverty but instead EU made what is necessary in order to stop once forever those corruption and useless spending money ,they had approved 2015 -2020 EU budget plan,without making anything to stop EU money to arrive in political parties pocket
Given that mr Jean Claude Junker had been talked about some more 315 billions This mean more and more money will arrived in EU political parties pochet
Due to the situation gravity we had decided to purpose the new Bruxelles admnistration strong measures which can stop once forever with EU high corruption ,useless money spending and avoid EU funds to reach political parties pocket
How this can be possible ?
Given that the big corruption useless money spending and political parties ilegal financment start at local and regional authorities in the first step of our acctions ,we had had start to do what is necessary to smask corruption and close the usless money spending at this level
For this purpose after we had observed that local and regional authoritues use to receive funds from EU ,money from their Government ,and apart of this they get some other incomes as local and regional taxes ,and a major part of those funds and taxes incomes use to arrive in the political parties pocket than we had purposed Europe Union to do the following things in order to stop once forever those bad practices
1) Stop finacing in a direct mode local and regional EU authorities and oblige them to make what is necessary to attract investors and implement project with them according to public -private lows
By this ocassion instead EU and EU Governments finance in direct mode local and regional authorities ,they can pay uneployed citizens ,students ,diaspora and those who works and receive low salaries ,to promote Investment opportunities which can bring high profit in short time ,know how transfer events and short therm courses which can be organised in every region ,Special touristics products which can be combined with those events etc
Given that most of EU citizens who use to adventure in different countries and committe crimes are victims of the actually EU local and region bad practices if EU will pay uneployed citizens ,students ,diaspora and those who works and receive low salaries ,to promote such local and regional economic advantages ,a big part of those who had been adventuring in EU and committing crimes will no longer risk their lives doing such bad things because they will get enough money in the regions they are living
Due to this positive aspect apart of unemplyed citizens ,those who works and receive low salaries ,students their parents ,grand parents ,who will support such measure ,millions of some other EU citizens who are panicked because of those crimes will like those measures to be implmented as soon as it is possible
Apart of this such measure will give a very positive signal for strategics investors who are leaving Europe Union because dozens millions of unemployed citizens ,students ,diaspora and those who works and receive low salaries ,will have money to buy and this will represent a very important parameter strategics investors take into consideration beford they decided to invest in a country
2) Apart of those very importants measures and economic advantages Europe Union must oblige local and regional authorities to attract investors create a tourism company according to public -private lows
This tourism company will have as a major scope not just to create a large number of jobs but also to help EU to achieve a very strategic scope which have link with the following situation
Given that because of the big salaries differences between differents EU countries ,if EU will not implement certain projects we will talk about ,from know and for more than 50 years dozens millions citizens will continue to adventure in certain EU countries committe crimes etc
Due to the situation gravity apart of projects which can be made by local and regional authorities in order to attract investors create jobs ,EU must oblige them to create a tourism company which will pay salaries with 37% -70% higher than the medium average and in the same time give employees 10 -15 years garante that they will keep the jobs and the high nevel salary
Like this differents tourism companies which have been geting a high profit but despite of this they had been pauing very low salaries ,will be obliged to increase slaries at least with 37% -70% because other wise they will loose their more experienced employees
Using this strategy pension and healt funds will get more money and this mean increase peoples live standards and give a very positive signal to strategics investors
3) In paralel with those positive things Europe Union must oblige local and regional authorities to attract investors create a know how transfer event company according to public -private lows
Given that this public private company will organise know how transfer events and short ther course which will be combied with special touristics products by this ocassion it will be created jobs in .....Given that jobs created in all those activities areas by his public private company will be payed with more than 37-70% of the medium average ,by this ocassion this company will create a usefull competition in all those activities areas and oblige companies to increase slaries
3) Europe Union must oblige local and regional authorities to valorise pupils and sudents creative potential ,talent organise short therm course ,create multimedia products which can be download worldwild with 10 -15 euros
Apart of this pupisl and students can help local and regional authorities to get some other incomes publishing ebooks ,tools ,apps which can be download worldwild with 10 -15 euros
4) In order to stop those local and authorities to drive money to political parties pochet it must be created a softwaere which can detect any company ,foundation or umployee attempt to make donations to a political party block them and then send an authomatical worning to persecutors
According to the software concept for the first attempt they will pay a fine but at the second one they will go to jail because the softwaere will never mistake It will be able to detect any public fund which will arrive in political parties pocket even if they will mate it pass though millions differents ways until it will reach there Given those stricts rules political parties will be alowed and motivated to create special projects in order to help regional and local authorities Universities to attract in investors ,tourists ,know how transfer events partecipants ,foreign students but with the conditions to pay slaries with more that 37-70% higher as local and regional authorities will be obliged to do
Given that every 3 months it will be published the number of investors ,tourists ,know how transfer events partecipants ,foreign studentsevery political party will bring to every region ,and also the number of jobs they will create those rules will oblige political parties to be always in a tough competitions which will bring for the first time in history benefit for the local ,regional community ,coutry and EU economy
5) Given that local and regional taxes paued by EU citiens in differenmts EU countries up to now used to arrive in political parties pocket ,is much better to stop taxing citizens at a local and regional level because like this citizens will have more money and they will afford to buy more goods
Like this instead those taxes incomes arrive in political parties pockets they will arrive in the really economy ,under a private admnistrations who will know what to do with them in such a way it can bring benefit for local ,regional economy
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Romanian gov and authorities bad practices which affects in direct mode Germany France ,UK.citizens
In this and some other document i will present Romanian Government ,France Germany ,UK ,Spain ,Italy embassy
differents innovative metods used by Romanian and some others public authorities to transform classic corruption acts in a legal activity in such a way money can arrive in certain Romanian interest group pockets without being disturbed by nobody
Given that those bad practices are provoking victims in Romania and those victims in order to escape from such a bad situation they use to adventure in Germany, France ,UK ,Italy ,Spain and committe crimes against innocent Germany France ,UK ,Italy ,Spain citizens
i had decided to make researches in order to identify variouses causes for such bad practices and then find a strong and effective way to cut from the roots any possible ways which can permit Romanian Government ,and some other authorities to committe such abuses and bad practices
Apart of this very important research work ,i had created a project concept which can permit Romania ,Bulgaria to get European funds with possibility ZERO for corruption
Given that those and another project which will permit to finance in a transparent mode Romania education and research institutions had meant for those who are committing such bad practices ""the end of the joke ""
i had become a victm of abuses ,and what i had considered a crime i will present in a separate document more informations about such situations Until then i can tell you that international public oppinion will be really schoked
Example 1
Romanian innovation in what is concerning corruption and new methods to make EU funds to arrive in differents groups pochet or use EU funds for elections campaign scopes ,have no limmit Due to the situation gravity i would like to invite the European Union commission ,Germany ,France ,UK governemtn to verify and see that things had been done in such a way EU funds can be used not where they can help create jobs attract investors who can create more jobs ,but in differents projects which will help Romanian political parties to get votes
As a negative consequence of this such projects will not create well paied jobs as it suppose to be if those EU funds can be used in a better way , a large number of Romanians will continue to adventure in Germany France ,UK ,Italy ,Spain and committe crimes against innocent Germany France ,UK ,Italy ,Spain citizens
Due to the situation gravity European Union commission must anulate a so called partenership contract for what is concerning EU funds and permit Romanian to acess founds with priority just for projects which can
1) Give possibility for Romanian unemployed people and those who works and receive low salaries to promote businesses opportunities ,know how transfer events which can be organised in their cities village ,regions and get more than 500 -700 apart of their salaries
Given this will reprezent 15% that the income they can bring such project will consume a very few part of EU funds
Like theis they will never thing to adventure in Germany France ,UK ,Italy ,Spain and go to search for a job If such projects will not be implemented from today and up to 50 years from know millions Romanians will continue to adventure in differents EU countires and commite crimes ,and differents some other negative acts
2) Help any city ,village ,region to attract investors ,tourists ,know how transfer events partecipants ,foreign students This will create well paid jobs in different cities ,villages ,regions and like this people will prefer to stay in Romania and do such a jobs
3) Give possibility for students to promote similar projects and get money and in the same time help their Universities to implement certain projects and win money in 5 differents ways while they are studing
4) Due to the fact Romanians who are living in Germany, France ,UK ,Italy ,Spain can also promote such Romania economics projects and get apart of their salaries more than 700 -1700 euro ,which will reprezent up to 15% of the incomes ,those projects will help discouraging Romanians to committe crimes in Germany France ,UK ,Italy ,Spain and others who are living in Romania to adventure in those countries
,Like this EU funds will be used to attract investors who will create well paied jobs in differents cities regions from where poor people and Romanian Gypsies are leaving and go to adventure in Germany France ,UK ,Italy ,Spain etc and commite crimes and some other negative acctions which are creating France Germany ,UK ,Italy ,Spain investors ,tourist disconfort
Up to know Romanian Governments ,local authorities had governed their city region ,country with 4 outstretched hands One to European Union funds ,another to the Government budget ,a criminal one to millions euro bribes ,and another hand direct in peoples pocket
Romanian creative potential had been used not to create viable projects in order to attract investors ,tourists ,know how transfer partecipants ,but to create innovative ways they can get millions euro bribes and never be caugh by the pressecutors
Romanian creative potential had been used not to attract investor in a moment they are leaving Europe Union ,create well paied jobs and like this descouraje a large number of Romanians to adventure in certain EU countries but they had used their creative potential to transform classic corruption acts in a legal activity in such a way money can arrive in certain Romanian interest group pockets without being disturbed by nobody
Due to the situation gravity European Union commission must anulate a so called partenership contract for what is concerning EU funds and permit Romanian to acess founds with priority just for projects which can
attract investors ,create well paied jobs help Romanians to improve their live standards etc
Example 3
Apart of those Romanians bad practices which are provoking victims who goes to Germany ,France.Uk .Italy ,Spain etc and committe crimes ,i had made research about some other situations which had been provoking victms who goes to differents EU countries to create disconfort for citizens ,tourists and investors
For example Romanian Gypsy situation
Given that Romanian Gypsies are very talented and Romania need such talents to create special touristics products which can be combined with differents know how transfer events ,i had created a very important project Romania can use to valorise Gypsies talent and creative potential since Gypsies Kids have 4 years and in the same time help them to change their live mode conception
At this occasion i had realised that if Romania wants to solve Gypsies problems they have consider things as a software Due to this if Romania want to help Gypsies to make positive changes in their live , they must do what is necessary to get inside their brain remove the software and install a new one
For this purpose one of the first things which must be done is to identify talented Gypsies kids since their childhood ,prepar them and them together with their families ,society ,school ,valorise their talent ,creative potential ,and apart of geting money give them opportunity to become more appreciate at school in the society etc
For such purpose given that worldwild international families
a) Are searching for certain motives to keep their kids far from the computer during weekend
b) Want to motivate their kids to partecipate in differents extra school activities and like this they can keep them far from the computer
c) Are searching for special touristics products based in special programmes which can keep kids busy all wekend
d) Searching for tourists programmes where talented kids can surprise some others performing in such an amazing way when they return to their country they will be motivated to follow differents kid courses
than due to the fact Romanian Gypsies are very talented performers ,singers ,dancers ,actors ,entertainers and since their chilhood they use to show their native art and entertainment skillls i had create special international family touristics products where gypsies kids starting from 4 years old can perform ,present videos in order to promote worldwild such programmes etc
Given that by this occasion ,apart of a big satisfaction Gypsies families will have following their loved kids performing ,and being appreciate ,they will get money
From that moment Gypies will realise that there is better ways to live become apreciate ,in their own country and get money
In the same time from their childhood they have to learn
1) How they can valorise their talent creating awesome videos ,slides which can be downloaded with 5-10 euros by a big number of people from their community who are leaving abroad
2)What they can do to work part time from their home in Romania and get money from USA ,Canada ,EU ,Switzerland ,Norway ,without having to adventure in those countries
3) How they can promote certain Romanina businesses opportunities ,know how transfer events ,and get more than 700 euros which will reprezent 10 -15 % of the entire income they will bring to Romania economy
If Romania will start today to implement all those projects in less than 7 months Romania and EU will achive special strategics scope and Romania Gypsies will get millions euro become more appreciate
Given that by this occasion after thousands Gypsies will see how hundreds of some others are having benefit from those projects ,they will be motivated to help their kids and teenagers to do the same thing after 5-7 yeras those new methods Gypsies can get money will become the models they will guide to live Like this they will abandon a major part of the ways they use to get money today
Given that Gypsies natality rate is very high ,if such projects which can help them to change their live concept will not be implemented the number of problems and disconfort Gyspies are causing in differents EU countries will be even higher compared with what is happening today
As a researcher i can tell you and present any time evidences which can prove that more than 97% Romanian Universities have an useless ,unupdated education programme
As a bad consequence of this when they finish their studies nobody use to employee them
Given that realities had shown that a big part of them use to adventure in Germany ,France ,Italy ,Spain ,etc committe crimes ,pratic prostitution ,narcotic trafic etc than Romanian must be obliged to solve this problem
Given the situation gravity this is a project millions of EU citizens can want it to be implemented with priority in Romania and any EU Gov ,politician who will support such iniciative will win votes from their electors
Due to the situation gravity Romania up to now suppose to solve this problem by obliging their University to give their students the righ preparation Unfortunatly insted to solve the problems those Universities use to get more millions from Europena Union and in the same time some other millions from students and their parents
Taking into consideration that they are doing all those bad things with an authority acomplicity and nobody had done what is necessary up to now to stop them from practising such those abuses Germany ,France ,Italy ,Spain countries which millions of their citizens use to become a direct victim of such situation must oblige Romania to stop those bad practices and give their students a righ preparation in such a way when they will finish their course they can get a well paied job in Romania
I had created viable projects which can help Romania to stop such abuses but unfortunatly
Romania Minister of researh and innovation had refused to register them
Why the refuse of Romanian Minister to register a research project can be considered as a crime ?
Due to informatic attacks researcher can be victim ,since the first moment a researcher have a project as a draft ,he must receiv a support in order to register the research project ,because otherwise ,as i had happened by 4 October 2013 a researcher can become a victim of a Cyber attach and by this occasion they can steal his work ,informations and whatever they need to continue the research work and then a project which could be used for the benefit of an European Union country can be used against him As you can see this aspects have a direct link with EU security
Due to this i can demonstrate any time that in the moment Romanian Minister of research and innovation had refused to register my researches works he had commited not just an abuse but also an economic crime Apart of this i can any time calaculate how much EU economy his citizens ,had lost by this occasion
Despite the fact that a big part of students which become victim of Romania Universities abuses and bad practices ,after finish their studies ,a big part of them use to go to Germany ,France ,Italy ,Spain ,etc committe crimes ,pratic prostitution ,narcotic trafic etc
instead Romanian Government oblige such Universities to do what is necessary students can get a proper education ,they use to alocate funds to give students extra preparation
Given that usualy the same teacher who have an old unpdated and useless education programme is the same who use to give them such extra course ,by this occasion France ,Germany ,Spain Italy citizens money arrive in the pochet of a group of irresponsable and incompetents teacher who are transforming a capable Romanian student in a victim who will arrive in France , Germany ,Italy ,Spain to robe and kill those who had contributed with their money to solve the problem
Due to the situation gravity France ,Germany ,Spain Italy citizens have the obligations to ask EU and their government to stop financing such projects and oblige Romania to do what is necessary students can have a proper education
Given the situation gravity this is a project millions of EU citizens can want it to be implemented with priority in Romania and any EU Gov ,politician who will support such iniciative will win votes from their electors
I had created viable projects which can help Romania to stop such abuses but unfortunatly
Romania Minister of researh and innovation had refused to register them
Given that because of salaries big differences bettween France ,Germany ,and Romania for more than 50 years starting from 2015 if Romania will not cut the neck of corruption eliminate differents innovatives ways they had created to transform classic corruption acts in a legal way to make money to arrive in differents groups pocket a
large number of Romanians will continue to adventure in France ,Germany and committe crimesand different others negative acts which use to make disconfort not just to France ,Italy ,Germany ,Spain citizens etc but also to invertosrs ,tourists who come to those countries to visit or to invest
Given the situation gravity Romania must be obliged to stop once forever such bad practices
Given that Romanians will stop adventuring in certain EU countries only when Romania will succed to create well paied jobs and for such purpose he needs to attract investors ,tourists ,know how transfer partecipants ,foreign students ,and in the other hand Romania diaspora have better ways to establish contacts with investors ,tourists ,know how transfer partecipants ,foreign students ,in the EU countries they are living i had create a special project concepts though what Romanian diaspora can promote
1) Investment opportunities which can bring more than 25% profit in less than 25weeks
2) Economics area where money invested monday can start bringing high profit Friday
3) Business opportunities which do not consume resourses and make pollution
4) Know how transfer events which can be combined with special touristics products
5) Ebooks ,tools apps which can be published by this occasion
Given that according to a digital platphorma Romanian diaspora can get 10 -15 of the incomes and it can be more than 700 -1700 euro ,apart of their salary ,such project will help to descouraje crimes ,committed by a large number of Romanians in EU Due to this positive thing this is a project millions of EU citizens can want it to be implmented with priority in Romania and any EU Gov ,politician who will support such iniciative will win votes from their electors
Apart of this as they are living in the France ,Germany ,Italy ,Spain countries will spend the money in France ,Germany ,Italy ,Spain,and this will increase sales goods
Using such project instead EU allocated money which arrive in wrong Romanians pochets the a big part of EU fund alocated to Romania can arrive in Romania diaspora pochet and in exchange Romania diaspora will help the country to attract investors ,tourists ,know how transfer events partecipants ,foreign students
Given that such project will stop once and forever Romanian corruption ,bad practicves and abuses for what is concerned EU funds ,after i had presented this and some other projects which can help to stop once forever differents corruption ways ,i had become a victim of abuses ,and what i had considered a crime
Apart of those projects as Germany is the country where Danube river borns,Germany economy is high dependent on Russia energy we had created a know how transfer event project which can generate a link as
""Businesses opportunities which can bring high profit in short time without consuming resources and make pollution "" GIven that the Danube river it borns in Germany and end in Romania i had created this project which can be implemented in the same time in Germany and Romania Given that by this occasion it can create investment opportunities and jobs in
transport ,tourism construction ,agriculture ,commerce ,
service ,real estate ,art and entertainment ,ecologic industry ,reseach and know how tranfer activities ,food industries ,artesanat ,multumedia production ,digital economy and in dozens of some others economic areas which have a direct and indirect link with those such project can create a large number of well paieds jobs in Romania
Despite the strategic importance of this project
Romania MInister of researh and innovation had refused to register such project in such a way i could start to implement it
Given that for differents reasons i can present in another document strategics investors are leaving EU ,
I had presented the Romania research and innovation dozens of some other projects which can help some other EU countries to create a large number of businesse opportunities and like this motivate investors who are ready to leave the country to keep investing at least a part of their money in EU
For Example
1) As Austria and Luxembourg are branded as importants EU banking and financial centers we had created a know how transfer events which can generate a link as
""How EU banks can get more than 7 millions new clients in less than 7 months""
2)Sweden is branded as a friendly EU country for immigrant and Spain Italy have a big problem with immigration
""How EU can use his immigration high trend get billions and create millions jobs""
3) Germany is the country where Danube river borns Germany economy is high dependent on Russia energy we had created a know how transfer event project which can generate a link as
""Businesses opportunities which can bring high profit in short time without consuming resources and make pollution""
4) Portugal , Spain,Greece ,Italy Ciprus have a high rate youth Unemployement low live standard
a) ""5 differents ways EU can reduce youth unemployment in short time""
b) ""How to improve citizens live standard increase salary attract investors ,and create million jobs""
5) ""Germany ,Sweden ,Finland are in the top of EU countries which have more results in what is concerned researhes and innovation""
""How EU can help you to valorise your creative potential and get money from differents ways""
6) Spain have the most number of well ranked businesses schools
""7 differents ways you can win money while you are studing in a EU University""
7) Austria ,Germany ,Sweden, Finaland ,have a large number of big cities which are in the top of the less polluted worldwild cities
""Business opportunities which bring high profit in short time without consumming energy and making pollution""
8) France ,UK,Holland ,Spain Portugal ,are multicultural Nations
""How EU can use his multicultural advantages get billions and create millions jobs""
9) ,Holland ,France, Uk ,Spain ,Portugal have a large number of very talented immigrants
""How EU can help you to valorise your talent and get cash money""
Given that every know how transfer events will create dozens investment opportunities in
in transport ,tourism construction ,agriculture ,commerce ,
service ,real estate ,art and entertainment ,ecologic industry ,reseach and know how tranfer activities ,food industries ,artesanat ,multumedia production ,digital economy and in dozens of some others economic areas which have a direct and indirect link with those worldwild investors and entreprenors will be interested to become a chamber of commerce or business organization menber in all the countries where it will be implmented such projects
Romania Minister of researh and innovation had refused to register such project in such a way i could start to present them publish them and make a know how transfer to professionals from differents EU countries in order to implement them
I would like Romanian Gov to take quick acctions in order to
By this occasion i must remenber Romanian Government that
1) Given the strategics importance of differents projects i had presented , my researchers works must be registered as soon as it is possible
2) After this in order to make those who can valorise such projects and take benefit from them, to know about them , the Romanian minister of research must indicate me which platphorma i can publish such researches works
3) After those steps in order to make a know how transfer to authorities ,Universities ,Chamber of commerces and businesses organizations , the Romanian minister of research must put me in touch with companies ,businesses organizations ,researcher centers ,which have the obligation to organise such know how transfer events
Until then i would like if possible to ask any EU embassy to put me in touch with eventual foundations ,companies
Tank you for your attention
differents innovative metods used by Romanian and some others public authorities to transform classic corruption acts in a legal activity in such a way money can arrive in certain Romanian interest group pockets without being disturbed by nobody
Given that those bad practices are provoking victims in Romania and those victims in order to escape from such a bad situation they use to adventure in Germany, France ,UK ,Italy ,Spain and committe crimes against innocent Germany France ,UK ,Italy ,Spain citizens
i had decided to make researches in order to identify variouses causes for such bad practices and then find a strong and effective way to cut from the roots any possible ways which can permit Romanian Government ,and some other authorities to committe such abuses and bad practices
Apart of this very important research work ,i had created a project concept which can permit Romania ,Bulgaria to get European funds with possibility ZERO for corruption
Given that those and another project which will permit to finance in a transparent mode Romania education and research institutions had meant for those who are committing such bad practices ""the end of the joke ""
i had become a victm of abuses ,and what i had considered a crime i will present in a separate document more informations about such situations Until then i can tell you that international public oppinion will be really schoked
Example 1
Romanian innovation in what is concerning corruption and new methods to make EU funds to arrive in differents groups pochet or use EU funds for elections campaign scopes ,have no limmit Due to the situation gravity i would like to invite the European Union commission ,Germany ,France ,UK governemtn to verify and see that things had been done in such a way EU funds can be used not where they can help create jobs attract investors who can create more jobs ,but in differents projects which will help Romanian political parties to get votes
As a negative consequence of this such projects will not create well paied jobs as it suppose to be if those EU funds can be used in a better way , a large number of Romanians will continue to adventure in Germany France ,UK ,Italy ,Spain and committe crimes against innocent Germany France ,UK ,Italy ,Spain citizens
Due to the situation gravity European Union commission must anulate a so called partenership contract for what is concerning EU funds and permit Romanian to acess founds with priority just for projects which can
1) Give possibility for Romanian unemployed people and those who works and receive low salaries to promote businesses opportunities ,know how transfer events which can be organised in their cities village ,regions and get more than 500 -700 apart of their salaries
Given this will reprezent 15% that the income they can bring such project will consume a very few part of EU funds
Like theis they will never thing to adventure in Germany France ,UK ,Italy ,Spain and go to search for a job If such projects will not be implemented from today and up to 50 years from know millions Romanians will continue to adventure in differents EU countires and commite crimes ,and differents some other negative acts
2) Help any city ,village ,region to attract investors ,tourists ,know how transfer events partecipants ,foreign students This will create well paid jobs in different cities ,villages ,regions and like this people will prefer to stay in Romania and do such a jobs
3) Give possibility for students to promote similar projects and get money and in the same time help their Universities to implement certain projects and win money in 5 differents ways while they are studing
4) Due to the fact Romanians who are living in Germany, France ,UK ,Italy ,Spain can also promote such Romania economics projects and get apart of their salaries more than 700 -1700 euro ,which will reprezent up to 15% of the incomes ,those projects will help discouraging Romanians to committe crimes in Germany France ,UK ,Italy ,Spain and others who are living in Romania to adventure in those countries
,Like this EU funds will be used to attract investors who will create well paied jobs in differents cities regions from where poor people and Romanian Gypsies are leaving and go to adventure in Germany France ,UK ,Italy ,Spain etc and commite crimes and some other negative acctions which are creating France Germany ,UK ,Italy ,Spain investors ,tourist disconfort
Up to know Romanian Governments ,local authorities had governed their city region ,country with 4 outstretched hands One to European Union funds ,another to the Government budget ,a criminal one to millions euro bribes ,and another hand direct in peoples pocket
Romanian creative potential had been used not to create viable projects in order to attract investors ,tourists ,know how transfer partecipants ,but to create innovative ways they can get millions euro bribes and never be caugh by the pressecutors
Romanian creative potential had been used not to attract investor in a moment they are leaving Europe Union ,create well paied jobs and like this descouraje a large number of Romanians to adventure in certain EU countries but they had used their creative potential to transform classic corruption acts in a legal activity in such a way money can arrive in certain Romanian interest group pockets without being disturbed by nobody
Due to the situation gravity European Union commission must anulate a so called partenership contract for what is concerning EU funds and permit Romanian to acess founds with priority just for projects which can
attract investors ,create well paied jobs help Romanians to improve their live standards etc
Example 3
Apart of those Romanians bad practices which are provoking victims who goes to Germany ,France.Uk .Italy ,Spain etc and committe crimes ,i had made research about some other situations which had been provoking victms who goes to differents EU countries to create disconfort for citizens ,tourists and investors
For example Romanian Gypsy situation
Given that Romanian Gypsies are very talented and Romania need such talents to create special touristics products which can be combined with differents know how transfer events ,i had created a very important project Romania can use to valorise Gypsies talent and creative potential since Gypsies Kids have 4 years and in the same time help them to change their live mode conception
At this occasion i had realised that if Romania wants to solve Gypsies problems they have consider things as a software Due to this if Romania want to help Gypsies to make positive changes in their live , they must do what is necessary to get inside their brain remove the software and install a new one
For this purpose one of the first things which must be done is to identify talented Gypsies kids since their childhood ,prepar them and them together with their families ,society ,school ,valorise their talent ,creative potential ,and apart of geting money give them opportunity to become more appreciate at school in the society etc
For such purpose given that worldwild international families
a) Are searching for certain motives to keep their kids far from the computer during weekend
b) Want to motivate their kids to partecipate in differents extra school activities and like this they can keep them far from the computer
c) Are searching for special touristics products based in special programmes which can keep kids busy all wekend
d) Searching for tourists programmes where talented kids can surprise some others performing in such an amazing way when they return to their country they will be motivated to follow differents kid courses
than due to the fact Romanian Gypsies are very talented performers ,singers ,dancers ,actors ,entertainers and since their chilhood they use to show their native art and entertainment skillls i had create special international family touristics products where gypsies kids starting from 4 years old can perform ,present videos in order to promote worldwild such programmes etc
Given that by this occasion ,apart of a big satisfaction Gypsies families will have following their loved kids performing ,and being appreciate ,they will get money
From that moment Gypies will realise that there is better ways to live become apreciate ,in their own country and get money
In the same time from their childhood they have to learn
1) How they can valorise their talent creating awesome videos ,slides which can be downloaded with 5-10 euros by a big number of people from their community who are leaving abroad
2)What they can do to work part time from their home in Romania and get money from USA ,Canada ,EU ,Switzerland ,Norway ,without having to adventure in those countries
3) How they can promote certain Romanina businesses opportunities ,know how transfer events ,and get more than 700 euros which will reprezent 10 -15 % of the entire income they will bring to Romania economy
If Romania will start today to implement all those projects in less than 7 months Romania and EU will achive special strategics scope and Romania Gypsies will get millions euro become more appreciate
Given that by this occasion after thousands Gypsies will see how hundreds of some others are having benefit from those projects ,they will be motivated to help their kids and teenagers to do the same thing after 5-7 yeras those new methods Gypsies can get money will become the models they will guide to live Like this they will abandon a major part of the ways they use to get money today
Given that Gypsies natality rate is very high ,if such projects which can help them to change their live concept will not be implemented the number of problems and disconfort Gyspies are causing in differents EU countries will be even higher compared with what is happening today
As a researcher i can tell you and present any time evidences which can prove that more than 97% Romanian Universities have an useless ,unupdated education programme
As a bad consequence of this when they finish their studies nobody use to employee them
Given that realities had shown that a big part of them use to adventure in Germany ,France ,Italy ,Spain ,etc committe crimes ,pratic prostitution ,narcotic trafic etc than Romanian must be obliged to solve this problem
Given the situation gravity this is a project millions of EU citizens can want it to be implemented with priority in Romania and any EU Gov ,politician who will support such iniciative will win votes from their electors
Due to the situation gravity Romania up to now suppose to solve this problem by obliging their University to give their students the righ preparation Unfortunatly insted to solve the problems those Universities use to get more millions from Europena Union and in the same time some other millions from students and their parents
Taking into consideration that they are doing all those bad things with an authority acomplicity and nobody had done what is necessary up to now to stop them from practising such those abuses Germany ,France ,Italy ,Spain countries which millions of their citizens use to become a direct victim of such situation must oblige Romania to stop those bad practices and give their students a righ preparation in such a way when they will finish their course they can get a well paied job in Romania
I had created viable projects which can help Romania to stop such abuses but unfortunatly
Romania Minister of researh and innovation had refused to register them
Why the refuse of Romanian Minister to register a research project can be considered as a crime ?
Due to informatic attacks researcher can be victim ,since the first moment a researcher have a project as a draft ,he must receiv a support in order to register the research project ,because otherwise ,as i had happened by 4 October 2013 a researcher can become a victim of a Cyber attach and by this occasion they can steal his work ,informations and whatever they need to continue the research work and then a project which could be used for the benefit of an European Union country can be used against him As you can see this aspects have a direct link with EU security
Due to this i can demonstrate any time that in the moment Romanian Minister of research and innovation had refused to register my researches works he had commited not just an abuse but also an economic crime Apart of this i can any time calaculate how much EU economy his citizens ,had lost by this occasion
Despite the fact that a big part of students which become victim of Romania Universities abuses and bad practices ,after finish their studies ,a big part of them use to go to Germany ,France ,Italy ,Spain ,etc committe crimes ,pratic prostitution ,narcotic trafic etc
instead Romanian Government oblige such Universities to do what is necessary students can get a proper education ,they use to alocate funds to give students extra preparation
Given that usualy the same teacher who have an old unpdated and useless education programme is the same who use to give them such extra course ,by this occasion France ,Germany ,Spain Italy citizens money arrive in the pochet of a group of irresponsable and incompetents teacher who are transforming a capable Romanian student in a victim who will arrive in France , Germany ,Italy ,Spain to robe and kill those who had contributed with their money to solve the problem
Due to the situation gravity France ,Germany ,Spain Italy citizens have the obligations to ask EU and their government to stop financing such projects and oblige Romania to do what is necessary students can have a proper education
Given the situation gravity this is a project millions of EU citizens can want it to be implemented with priority in Romania and any EU Gov ,politician who will support such iniciative will win votes from their electors
I had created viable projects which can help Romania to stop such abuses but unfortunatly
Romania Minister of researh and innovation had refused to register them
Given that because of salaries big differences bettween France ,Germany ,and Romania for more than 50 years starting from 2015 if Romania will not cut the neck of corruption eliminate differents innovatives ways they had created to transform classic corruption acts in a legal way to make money to arrive in differents groups pocket a
large number of Romanians will continue to adventure in France ,Germany and committe crimesand different others negative acts which use to make disconfort not just to France ,Italy ,Germany ,Spain citizens etc but also to invertosrs ,tourists who come to those countries to visit or to invest
Given the situation gravity Romania must be obliged to stop once forever such bad practices
Given that Romanians will stop adventuring in certain EU countries only when Romania will succed to create well paied jobs and for such purpose he needs to attract investors ,tourists ,know how transfer partecipants ,foreign students ,and in the other hand Romania diaspora have better ways to establish contacts with investors ,tourists ,know how transfer partecipants ,foreign students ,in the EU countries they are living i had create a special project concepts though what Romanian diaspora can promote
1) Investment opportunities which can bring more than 25% profit in less than 25weeks
2) Economics area where money invested monday can start bringing high profit Friday
3) Business opportunities which do not consume resourses and make pollution
4) Know how transfer events which can be combined with special touristics products
5) Ebooks ,tools apps which can be published by this occasion
Given that according to a digital platphorma Romanian diaspora can get 10 -15 of the incomes and it can be more than 700 -1700 euro ,apart of their salary ,such project will help to descouraje crimes ,committed by a large number of Romanians in EU Due to this positive thing this is a project millions of EU citizens can want it to be implmented with priority in Romania and any EU Gov ,politician who will support such iniciative will win votes from their electors
Apart of this as they are living in the France ,Germany ,Italy ,Spain countries will spend the money in France ,Germany ,Italy ,Spain,and this will increase sales goods
Using such project instead EU allocated money which arrive in wrong Romanians pochets the a big part of EU fund alocated to Romania can arrive in Romania diaspora pochet and in exchange Romania diaspora will help the country to attract investors ,tourists ,know how transfer events partecipants ,foreign students
Given that such project will stop once and forever Romanian corruption ,bad practicves and abuses for what is concerned EU funds ,after i had presented this and some other projects which can help to stop once forever differents corruption ways ,i had become a victim of abuses ,and what i had considered a crime
Apart of those projects as Germany is the country where Danube river borns,Germany economy is high dependent on Russia energy we had created a know how transfer event project which can generate a link as
""Businesses opportunities which can bring high profit in short time without consuming resources and make pollution "" GIven that the Danube river it borns in Germany and end in Romania i had created this project which can be implemented in the same time in Germany and Romania Given that by this occasion it can create investment opportunities and jobs in
transport ,tourism construction ,agriculture ,commerce ,
service ,real estate ,art and entertainment ,ecologic industry ,reseach and know how tranfer activities ,food industries ,artesanat ,multumedia production ,digital economy and in dozens of some others economic areas which have a direct and indirect link with those such project can create a large number of well paieds jobs in Romania
Despite the strategic importance of this project
Romania MInister of researh and innovation had refused to register such project in such a way i could start to implement it
Given that for differents reasons i can present in another document strategics investors are leaving EU ,
I had presented the Romania research and innovation dozens of some other projects which can help some other EU countries to create a large number of businesse opportunities and like this motivate investors who are ready to leave the country to keep investing at least a part of their money in EU
For Example
1) As Austria and Luxembourg are branded as importants EU banking and financial centers we had created a know how transfer events which can generate a link as
""How EU banks can get more than 7 millions new clients in less than 7 months""
2)Sweden is branded as a friendly EU country for immigrant and Spain Italy have a big problem with immigration
""How EU can use his immigration high trend get billions and create millions jobs""
3) Germany is the country where Danube river borns Germany economy is high dependent on Russia energy we had created a know how transfer event project which can generate a link as
""Businesses opportunities which can bring high profit in short time without consuming resources and make pollution""
4) Portugal , Spain,Greece ,Italy Ciprus have a high rate youth Unemployement low live standard
a) ""5 differents ways EU can reduce youth unemployment in short time""
b) ""How to improve citizens live standard increase salary attract investors ,and create million jobs""
5) ""Germany ,Sweden ,Finland are in the top of EU countries which have more results in what is concerned researhes and innovation""
""How EU can help you to valorise your creative potential and get money from differents ways""
6) Spain have the most number of well ranked businesses schools
""7 differents ways you can win money while you are studing in a EU University""
7) Austria ,Germany ,Sweden, Finaland ,have a large number of big cities which are in the top of the less polluted worldwild cities
""Business opportunities which bring high profit in short time without consumming energy and making pollution""
8) France ,UK,Holland ,Spain Portugal ,are multicultural Nations
""How EU can use his multicultural advantages get billions and create millions jobs""
9) ,Holland ,France, Uk ,Spain ,Portugal have a large number of very talented immigrants
""How EU can help you to valorise your talent and get cash money""
Given that every know how transfer events will create dozens investment opportunities in
in transport ,tourism construction ,agriculture ,commerce ,
service ,real estate ,art and entertainment ,ecologic industry ,reseach and know how tranfer activities ,food industries ,artesanat ,multumedia production ,digital economy and in dozens of some others economic areas which have a direct and indirect link with those worldwild investors and entreprenors will be interested to become a chamber of commerce or business organization menber in all the countries where it will be implmented such projects
Romania Minister of researh and innovation had refused to register such project in such a way i could start to present them publish them and make a know how transfer to professionals from differents EU countries in order to implement them
I would like Romanian Gov to take quick acctions in order to
By this occasion i must remenber Romanian Government that
1) Given the strategics importance of differents projects i had presented , my researchers works must be registered as soon as it is possible
2) After this in order to make those who can valorise such projects and take benefit from them, to know about them , the Romanian minister of research must indicate me which platphorma i can publish such researches works
3) After those steps in order to make a know how transfer to authorities ,Universities ,Chamber of commerces and businesses organizations , the Romanian minister of research must put me in touch with companies ,businesses organizations ,researcher centers ,which have the obligation to organise such know how transfer events
Until then i would like if possible to ask any EU embassy to put me in touch with eventual foundations ,companies
Tank you for your attention
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