European Union had left all the ways oppen for corruption and useless money spending in such a way EU and differents EU Government money can arrive in the pocket of political friends companies and then to political parties though donation
Apart of this well known corruption and useless money spending several public EU INSTITUTION USE ANOTHER METHOD TO MAKE MONEY ARRIVE IN POLITICAL PARTIES POCKET
For this purpose they use to employee certain political parties friends pay them high salaries and then get back a part of those money as donation for their political party
As a negative consequence of this despite trillions EUROS which had been used as EU funds EUhave more than 27 millions unemployed people more than 70 millions of some others works and receive very low salaries Due to those very negative aspects more than 124 millions EU citizens are strugling in poverty but instead EU made what is necessary in order to stop once forever those corruption and useless spending money ,they had approved 2015 -2020 EU budget plan,without making anything to stop EU money to arrive in political parties pocket
Given that mr Jean Claude Junker had been talked about some more 315 billions This mean more and more money will arrived in EU political parties pochet
Due to the situation gravity we had decided to purpose the new Bruxelles admnistration strong measures which can stop once forever with EU high corruption ,useless money spending and avoid EU funds to reach political parties pocket
How this can be possible ?
Given that the big corruption useless money spending and political parties ilegal financment start at local and regional authorities in the first step of our acctions ,we had had start to do what is necessary to smask corruption and close the usless money spending at this level
For this purpose after we had observed that local and regional authoritues use to receive funds from EU ,money from their Government ,and apart of this they get some other incomes as local and regional taxes ,and a major part of those funds and taxes incomes use to arrive in the political parties pocket than we had purposed Europe Union to do the following things in order to stop once forever those bad practices
1) Stop finacing in a direct mode local and regional EU authorities and oblige them to make what is necessary to attract investors and implement project with them according to public -private lows
By this ocassion instead EU and EU Governments finance in direct mode local and regional authorities ,they can pay uneployed citizens ,students ,diaspora and those who works and receive low salaries ,to promote Investment opportunities which can bring high profit in short time ,know how transfer events and short therm courses which can be organised in every region ,Special touristics products which can be combined with those events etc
Given that most of EU citizens who use to adventure in different countries and committe crimes are victims of the actually EU local and region bad practices if EU will pay uneployed citizens ,students ,diaspora and those who works and receive low salaries ,to promote such local and regional economic advantages ,a big part of those who had been adventuring in EU and committing crimes will no longer risk their lives doing such bad things because they will get enough money in the regions they are living
Due to this positive aspect apart of unemplyed citizens ,those who works and receive low salaries ,students their parents ,grand parents ,who will support such measure ,millions of some other EU citizens who are panicked because of those crimes will like those measures to be implmented as soon as it is possible
Apart of this such measure will give a very positive signal for strategics investors who are leaving Europe Union because dozens millions of unemployed citizens ,students ,diaspora and those who works and receive low salaries ,will have money to buy and this will represent a very important parameter strategics investors take into consideration beford they decided to invest in a country
2) Apart of those very importants measures and economic advantages Europe Union must oblige local and regional authorities to attract investors create a tourism company according to public -private lows
This tourism company will have as a major scope not just to create a large number of jobs but also to help EU to achieve a very strategic scope which have link with the following situation
Given that because of the big salaries differences between differents EU countries ,if EU will not implement certain projects we will talk about ,from know and for more than 50 years dozens millions citizens will continue to adventure in certain EU countries committe crimes etc
Due to the situation gravity apart of projects which can be made by local and regional authorities in order to attract investors create jobs ,EU must oblige them to create a tourism company which will pay salaries with 37% -70% higher than the medium average and in the same time give employees 10 -15 years garante that they will keep the jobs and the high nevel salary
Like this differents tourism companies which have been geting a high profit but despite of this they had been pauing very low salaries ,will be obliged to increase slaries at least with 37% -70% because other wise they will loose their more experienced employees
Using this strategy pension and healt funds will get more money and this mean increase peoples live standards and give a very positive signal to strategics investors
3) In paralel with those positive things Europe Union must oblige local and regional authorities to attract investors create a know how transfer event company according to public -private lows
Given that this public private company will organise know how transfer events and short ther course which will be combied with special touristics products by this ocassion it will be created jobs in .....Given that jobs created in all those activities areas by his public private company will be payed with more than 37-70% of the medium average ,by this ocassion this company will create a usefull competition in all those activities areas and oblige companies to increase slaries
3) Europe Union must oblige local and regional authorities to valorise pupils and sudents creative potential ,talent organise short therm course ,create multimedia products which can be download worldwild with 10 -15 euros
Apart of this pupisl and students can help local and regional authorities to get some other incomes publishing ebooks ,tools ,apps which can be download worldwild with 10 -15 euros
4) In order to stop those local and authorities to drive money to political parties pochet it must be created a softwaere which can detect any company ,foundation or umployee attempt to make donations to a political party block them and then send an authomatical worning to persecutors
According to the software concept for the first attempt they will pay a fine but at the second one they will go to jail because the softwaere will never mistake It will be able to detect any public fund which will arrive in political parties pocket even if they will mate it pass though millions differents ways until it will reach there Given those stricts rules political parties will be alowed and motivated to create special projects in order to help regional and local authorities Universities to attract in investors ,tourists ,know how transfer events partecipants ,foreign students but with the conditions to pay slaries with more that 37-70% higher as local and regional authorities will be obliged to do
Given that every 3 months it will be published the number of investors ,tourists ,know how transfer events partecipants ,foreign studentsevery political party will bring to every region ,and also the number of jobs they will create those rules will oblige political parties to be always in a tough competitions which will bring for the first time in history benefit for the local ,regional community ,coutry and EU economy
5) Given that local and regional taxes paued by EU citiens in differenmts EU countries up to now used to arrive in political parties pocket ,is much better to stop taxing citizens at a local and regional level because like this citizens will have more money and they will afford to buy more goods
Like this instead those taxes incomes arrive in political parties pockets they will arrive in the really economy ,under a private admnistrations who will know what to do with them in such a way it can bring benefit for local ,regional economy
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